So, December 2012 I got the opportunity with work to move to Germany on a three year delegation to set my career in a new direction. I never had any preconceptions of Germany and didn't know really what to expect. All I knew was that this was a very career-wise move for me. After a few weeks here the general questions I got from friends and family back home were "How are the German women there?". The key topic always coming up was if they were hairy or not, and generally the British perception of German women was that they were very masculine - being butch, hairy and generally not very attractive at all. I'm not sure where this preconception us Brits have of German women being this way arose from. However upon discussions with German women about this topic in Bavarian bars and pubs, they believe that this idea of German women being hairy may have come from the pop singer Nena, famous in the 1980's for her song 99 luftballons (in which she released an English version in 1984 called 99 red balloons), as she had hairy armpits on top of the pops back then. Now the person I am, I absolutely love women. The female anatomy and general natural female beauty astounds me, and I can tell you that on an average level German women are absolutely incredible. They are very naturally beautiful and don't require any of this fake crap such as caked on makeup, fake tan, fake eyelashes, hair extensions etc. that British women seem to have a need for these days. In fact, on an average Friday/Saturday night in my current town of Erlangen you will find most girls in a pair of jeans, a plain top, wearing flat shoes and wearing not much more than a bit of mascara and they look amazing. In the UK you wouldn't catch a single girl going out looking this way. Figure hugging short, bum length dresses and stilettos with a minimum of a 6 inch heel is the norm in the UK, along with a face that is that much altered with cosmetics that men are waking up the next day with a completely different woman to the one they took home.
Now I'm not saying German women don't like to doll up every once in a while, and yes quite a lot of them will wear heels. However it is very minimalistic and they can always walk in the shoes they wear (Germans are very practical people). The typical German woman will have blonde hair and striking blue eyes, she will be slim and healthy looking and best of all she drinks beer. 9/10 women in Germany are in good shape, you hardly ever see an overweight woman. In fact German people in general are in good shape, however the only down side is that also 9/10 of them smoke - which doesn't quite tickle my fancy on a personal level. The rest of Europe hasn't quite had the cultural change on the view of smoking yet it seems.

Now looks aside, German women are much more easy to understand than British women. There is much less game playing and German women will always be straight with you all of the time. It may seem quite blunt but if a German girl is not into you, they will tell you how it is. No beating around the bush, no working you to their advantage for free drinks and best of all, no mind games. This makes them even more so, easy to get along with and you feel there's no having to prove yourself to them, or going out of your way to impress them. It's just easy and straight forward with German women.
I hope Britain can put aside these false preconceptions of German Women, because I believe them to be some of the most amazing women in Europe, both in beauty and in personality. Furthermore I don't think German women get the status they deserve in the world. When you ask Brits about the beauties of Europe, they will mention the Italians and Spanish, however once Britain has its eyes opened to what Germany has to offer with its female nationals, I think they will be pleasantly surprised
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